Tax Bracket Estimator

Including wages, salaries, tips, etc...

The output of this tool is for educational purposes only and should not be considered investment, legal or tax advice. It is intended for use by U.S. individual taxpayers resident in the 50 states or the District of Columbia, and is not applicable to trusts, estates, corporations or persons subject to special rules under federal, state or local income tax laws. The indicated tax treatment of investment income and gains applies to positions in securities held outside qualified retirement plans and other tax-deferred or tax-exempt investment vehicles. The output is general in nature and is not intended to serve as the primary or sole basis for investment or tax-planning decisions. For more individualized information, you should consult your tax advisor or investment professional. You bear sole responsibility for any decisions you make based on the output of this calculator. The calculator makes certain assumptions that may not apply to you. The calculator has many inherent limitations, and individual results may vary. Indicated tax rates are those in effect as updated June 21, 2024. Indicated rates are those that apply to an incremental dollar of additional income or gain, which may vary from your average tax rates. The displayed rates have been rounded to the nearest hundredth of a percent. The indicated Total Tax Rate may not add up to the displayed component rates due to rounding. A Taxable income is your annual gross income for federal tax purposes, less adjustments and the federal deductions you claim (standard or itemized). B The “Married Filing Separately” and “Qualifying Surviving Spouse” filing status are not given as options on this calculator, but may apply to you. Tax rates for qualifying surviving spouses are the same as indicated for “Married Filing Jointly.” * This analysis does not consider the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT) or take into account the federal deduction for state and local taxes paid (limited to $10,000 annually) that is available if you itemize deductions. * The calculation of state taxes assumes that your taxable income for state tax purposes equals your federal taxable income. Material variations could cause your state tax rate to be overstated or understated. This analysis ignores the AMT imposed by certain states (CA, CO, CT and MN), the limited deduction for federal income taxes paid that is available in certain states (MO, MT and OR) and the limited itemized deduction for state and local income taxes paid that is available in certain states (AZ, GA, HI, MO and ND). State income tax rates indicated for AL are net of the unlimited deduction for federal taxes paid that is available there.

About the Tax Bracket Estimator

The Tax Bracket Estimator uses your income, state, and filing status to provide a better image of your potential tax liability across multiple categories

Federal Income Tax: This is the tax you owe on your ordinary income, such as wages and salaries. It is calculated using a progressive marginal tax rate system.

Federal Long-Term Capital Gains Tax: This applies to profits from selling assets held for more than a year. Long-term capital gains benefit from preferential tax rates of 0%, 15%, or 20%, depending on your income.

Federal Qualified Dividend Tax: Qualified dividends are taxed at the same favorable rates as long-term capital gains, rather than as ordinary income.

State Short-Term Capital Gains Tax: This is the tax on profits from assets held for one year or less, typically taxed as ordinary income at the state level.

State Long-Term Capital Gains Tax: Similar to federal long-term capital gains, but rates vary by state.

These rates are marginal tax rates, which means different portions of your income are taxed at progressively higher rates as your income increases. Essentially, your income is divided into tax brackets, each with their own tax rate, and you pay the higher rate on the portion of income that falls within each bracket.

For more information, consult your tax advisor or investment professional.

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Double does not provide tax, or legal advice. Double's website, brokerage, and advisory services are not intended for persons of any jurisdiction where Double is not authorized to do business. Tax savings will vary from client to client due to many factors including market conditions, tax characteristics of securities, client-imposed investment restrictions, client tax rate or status, and changes in tax regulations.